Friday, December 15, 2006

Another Friday

What a great week! The weather was outstanding, the students were superb, and the house is almost closed in. We have five more days of school before vacation so we are cutting it close. We will start shingling the roof next week and do what we can to get the gable ends closed in. I could not be happier with my students and the progress on the house. Be safe. Mr.D Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a nice job for kids that are learning. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!


3:18 PM  
Blogger Mr. D said...

Thank you Sherry.M It has been a great project for high school students. They have been outstanding. So far they have done every bit of this building with an occasional hand from the Instructor. Merry Christmas to you.

10:58 PM  

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